Easicoat EC 800 clearcoat

Easicoat Hardener Series

We are the leading Distributors & supplier of Yatu Car Paints in India.


  • A series of yellow resistant hardener,
  • specially designed for Easicoat 2K solid colors and clear coats.
  • To match different products, application area and conditions
  • It includes various versions as standard, high solid, fast and extra fast, slow and extra slow hardener and so on.
Application Procedure:

Match with Easicoat 2K solid colors, high solid clear coat, premium clear coat, extra fast clear coat, etc.

EC-801 Fast Hardener Medium solid fast drying for topcoat, be used when temperature is ≤18℃

EC-802 Standard Hardener Medium solid standard drying for topcoat,be used when temperature is 18-30℃

EC-801 Slow Hardener Medium solid standard drying for topcoat, be used when temperature is ≥30℃

Defects preventing

Add 0.5-1% EC-5930 Anti Silicon in the paint remained and re-spray to avoid and solve fisheyes. Add EC-5960 Retarder Solvent when temperature is over 30℃ (54℉) to avoid blushing. If runs happen, sand with P1200-P2000 sand paper after thorough drying and then polish.

Surface cleaning:

Sand and clean the substrate (old paint film or 1K, 2K primer) with EC-5910 Degreaser With sanding paper P600-P800 for wet sanding, and P400-P600 dry sanding.