Sika® Rustop

Sika® Rustop

Sika® Rustop is cement bound synthetic resin modified 2-component coating for corrosion protection on reinforcement and concrete. Ideally suited to rehabilitate corroded reinforcement.


  • Protects new or old reinforcement steel in construction from corrosion
  • Ideal for protecting reinforcements with insufficient cover or in thin sections
  • Protects embedded steel in repairable structures from further corrosion after rehabilitation
  • Protects concrete against the action of Calcium Chlorides and de-icing salts


  • Impervious anticorrosive coating to prevent ingress of water, chlorides and carbon dioxide
  • Excellent adhesion to steel, concrete and mortar
  • Good bonding for subsequent concrete or mortars due to cementitious base
  • Contains corrosion inhibitors
  • For structures under repair or rehabilitation the corroded surfaces rust must be cleaned t using Sika® Rustoff 100
  • Easy to use